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In the realm of full-stack development, my 4-year journey has been filled with substantial learning and fulfillment. This has greatly enriched my understanding of creating comprehensive, user-centric web experiences.


With over 4 years of expertise in game development, I've successfully crafted diverse game types including 2D, 2.5D, 3D, action-packed, horror, VR, and educational games. Each project stands as a testament to my proficiency and passion in the gaming industry.

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Made With ReactJS - Fullstack Project

Spotify Clone

This repository houses the codebase for a comprehensive Spotify clone, developed from the ground up using cutting-edge technologies including Next.js 13.4, React, Tailwind CSS, Supabase, PostgreSQL, and Stripe. The application mimics Spotify's popular features and functionalities, providing a realistic music streaming experience.


  • Dynamic User Interface: Crafted with Next.js and React, the UI mirrors the sleek, user-friendly design of Spotify.

  • Style and Responsiveness: Leveraged Tailwind CSS for modern, responsive design and fluid animations.

  • Database and Authentication: Utilized Supabase atop PostgreSQL for backend operations, implementing secure user registration, login processes, and GitHub authentication.

  • Music Features: Integrated functionalities for song upload, playback, favoriting, and playlist management.

  • Payment Processing: Incorporated Stripe to handle premium subscriptions, enabling transactions and secure user billing information management.

  • Error Handling and Validation: Implemented client form validation with react-hook-form and server error handling using react-toast.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS

  • Backend: Supabase, PostgreSQL

  • Authentication: Supabase Auth, GitHub OAuth

  • Payment Processing: Stripe

Formulate AI

Made With ThreeJS - Fullstack Project

An AI-powered website.

This project is a unique application that leverages the power of ThreeJS to provide a dynamic 3D product customization experience. It integrates advanced features allowing users to create a personalized product design.


  • 3D Product Rendering: The home page showcases a 3D product using ThreeJS, providing users with an immersive view of the product from different angles.

  • Dynamic Logo Generation with DALL-E API: The application integrates with the DALL-E API to generate unique images. These images can be overlayed on the 3D product as logos, offering users a range of design possibilities.

  • Custom Logo Upload: In addition to the DALL-E-generated logos, users have the option to upload their own custom logos from their computer, further enhancing the personalization options.

  • Product Color Customization: Users can dynamically change the color of the 3D product, enabling a fully customizable product design experience.

Tech Stack

  • ThreeJS

  • ReactJS

  • DALL-E 

  • Redux

Simple Reads

Made With Dart - An Android App

A book management app.

This project is a unique application that leverages the power of ThreeJS to provide a dynamic 3D product customization experience. It integrates advanced features allowing users to create a personalized product design.


  • Login/Signup Screen: This is the initial screen, where users can either log in using their existing account or sign up with a new account. It uses Firebase Authentication for the email/password authentication process.

  • Book List Screen: Upon successful login, the user will be navigated to this screen, where they can see a list of all the books they've added. Each entry displays the book's title, author, and a thumbnail of the book's cover. The data for these books are fetched from Firestore. There's also a button on this screen that takes the user to the screen for adding a new book.

  • Add/Edit Book Screen: This screen is used to either add a new book or edit an existing one. Users can enter the book's title, author, genre, and a link to an image of the book's cover. When the user saves the book, it gets added to (or updated in) Firestore. The user is then navigated back to the Book List Screen.

  • Book Details Screen: From the Book List Screen, when a user taps on a book, they are navigated to this screen where they can view the full details of the book. This screen also provides options to either edit or delete the book.

Tech Stack

  • Flutter

  • Dart

  • Firebase Authentication: Used for handling user authentication.

  • Firestore: A flexible, scalable database for mobile, web, and server development from Firebase

Lane Detection

Made With Python - An Machine Learning Project

A self-driving car project.

This project is a unique application that detects the lanes on a road based on a video using machine learning and advanced Python code and visualization techniques. It will overlay a green indicator on the lanes guiding the car to drive with it.


  • Camera Calibration: Calculate the camera calibration matrix and distortion coefficients using a series of images of a chessboard.

  • Distortion Correction: Apply distortion correction techniques to raw images to achieve a more accurate representation of the environment.

  • Binary Thresholding: Utilize color transforms, gradients, and other image processing techniques to generate a thresholded binary image.

  • Perspective Transform: Implement a perspective transform to rectify the binary image into a "bird's-eye view", facilitating easier detection of lane lines.

  • Lane Detection: Identify lane pixels and utilize curve fitting techniques to precisely determine the lane boundary.

  • Curvature & Vehicle Position: Calculate the curvature of the identified lane and estimate the vehicle's position with respect to the center of the lane.

  • Lane Visualization: Warp the detected lane boundaries back onto the original image for visualization purposes.

  • Output Display: Generate a comprehensive visual output that displays the lane boundaries, along with numerical estimates of the lane curvature and the vehicle's position.

Tech Stack

  • OpenCV

  • Matplotlib

  • NumPy

  • Machine Learning


Made With Swift - An iOS App

Weather App.

Gustify. is a weather app developed in Swift, utilizing various technologies such as Git, iOS SDK, Apple API, MVVM, Detox, and Fastlane.


  • Real-time, location-aware weather updates for 30+ users.

  • Integration of OpenWeatherMap and Core Location APIs, resulting in a 20% reduction in weather prediction errors.

  • Implementation of MVVM architecture, Fastlane, Jest/Detox, and MySQL to accelerate the release cycle by 30%.

Tech Stack

  • Swift

  • Git

  • iOS SDK

  • Apple API

  • MVVM

  • Detox

  • Fastlane


Feel free to browse through my website and play any game you want. All game credits are listed in the relevant sections.

The Empty Vessel

Made In Unity


In the year 1998, The United States military started using illegal tech that would make perfect soldiers, soldiers that wouldn't fall in battle. However, their experiments failed and now over 90% of the world has been infected by the virus. You are one of the very few people to come back to life without being infected and you travel the wasteland in search of answers.


  • Programmed in C#

  • First Person Shooter

  • Programmed objective system

  • Programmed player leaning, weapon sway, bullet spread, reload animations, recoil

  • Programmed an AI finite-state system and has a patrol path and attack system to make AI more lifelike

  • Environmental design - created a massive abandoned city and forest, created an atmospheric gloomy setting, and incorporated post-processing effects, which amplify the overall look of the game.


  • Flooded Grounds

  • ZapSplat Audio 

  • Doctrina Kharkov Optimization Template

  • Yaseen Mujahid - FPS Hands 

  • Zombie Model

  • Dafont Fonts

The Ruins Of Ishgar

Made In Unity


You are a small species of alien explorers to travel the Earth and search for its mysteries. Due to your size and advanced technology, humans have not discovered your presence. During your adventures, you have found the abandoned Sun Temple and are now searching for its treasures. 


  • 2.5D game

  • Moving obstacles, I used sinusoidal calculations to serve as an oscillator

  • Numerous unique atmospheric levels 

  • Score System


  • ZapSplat Audio

  • Lost Temple Pack

  • DaFonts Fancy Pack

  • Low Poly Foliage Pack

  • Low Poly Rocket Pack

  • Low Poly Coin Pack

The Disappearance

Made In Unity


One night you wake up and discover that your family has disappeared along with the entire population of the town you live in. As you search for your kids, you experience supernatural events all around you. Avoid the demonic witch that roams the city hunting for remaining survivors.


  • Programmed in C#

  • Programmed an AI state system with, patrolling and attacking AI, to make AI more lifelike

  • Programmed Objective System

  • Story-Driven

  • The game is driven by subtitles and notes

  • Environmental design - created linear medieval city, forest, and village, creating a dark ambient atmosphere


  • Sun Temple

  • Lantern Pack

  • ZSlpat Audio

  • DaFonts Horror Fonts

  • Horror SFX Pack

  • True Horror Pack

  • Flooded Grounds Trees

  • Conifer (BOTD)


Made In Unity


The world has been taken over by a dangerous alien species called "The Planet Crashers". This caused the planet's gravity to be altered, resulting in a permanent rise in sea levels, along with other strange phenomena. 

As a tiny slime with a grappling hook/revolver, you are one of the few that can traverse this dangerous land. Swing and shoot your way through diverse locations while vanquishing as many Planet Crashers as possible!


  • Grapple mechanics

  • Shooting mechanics

  • Enemy AI

  • Smooth UI animations


  • Low Poly Environment

  • Soaring Ruins

  • Floating Islands

  • Kawaii Slime

  •  Modular Castle

  • Party Monster Duo

  • Theme Song: WowMusic royalty-free music

  • SFX: ZapSplat royalty-free music

  • Synty Low Poly Assets

  • Spike'em'Up Ball

  • Stylized Anime Skybox

  • 10 Free Shaders

  • Floating Entities

  • Slim UI

  • Grapple Gun by Al Garcia 

The Lost Legacy

Play Here

Made In Unity


You play as a warrior in search of a legacy. You travel to various locations around the world trying to collect as much money as possible and slaying as many monsters as possible.


  • Endless mode:  Coins, Monsters, and Potions will randomly spawn. Collecting coins increases the timer.

  • Dash feature

  • Double jump feature

  • Long-range slash feature

  • Score system

  • Timer system


  • Jeremy Blake - Power Up (No Copyright)

  • Magic Cliffs Art Work Pack

  • Casual UI Game Sounds Pack

  • Hero Knight - Pixel Art Pack

  • CodeMonkey Assets

  • FTTGR Effects Pack

  • Monsters Creatures Fantasy Pack

  • Pixels Fantasy Caves

  • Free Pixel Art Forest

Disappearance 2


Made In Unity


After the events of Disappearance, you and your village move far away from the city. You thought you escaped the monster that haunted you but you realize that it is just getting started. You have trained yourself to protect your family and now you can fight back.


  • Programmed in C#

  • Combat System

  • Programmed an AI state system with, patrolling and attacking AI, to make AI more lifelike

  • Programmed Objective System

  • Story-Driven

    • The game is driven by subtitles


  • Unity URP Viking Village

  • Unity URP Terrain Demo

  • ZapSlpat Audio

  • DaFonts Horror Fonts

  • Horror SFX Pack

  • Spider Pack

  • Wolf Pack

  • True Horror Pack

Crystal Journey

Made In Unity


This was a retro 2D platformer game that was created in 48 hours and submitted as a simmer jam entry.

You are a greedy fox who is on a journey to gather as many crystals as possible.


  • Rigid body physics and vector motion calculations.

  • Collectibles as a point system

  • Smooth level transitions


  • Magic Cliff Pack 

  • Sunnyland Fox

  • Monsters Creatures Fantasy Pack

  • 8-Bit Action Free Music

  • Pixel Fantasy Caves

  • Gothicvania Cemetery Artwork

  • Pixel Art Forest

  • Pixel UI Free


Abandoned Village

Made In Unity

This environment was inspired by The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt.


- Viking Village URP

- Open World Package URP

Trodden Path

Made In Unity

This is one of the very first environments that I used. It was meant for a top-down RPG game. It is a low poly stylized world with open fields, villages, and lakes.

I used free assets from the unity store to make this environment.

The Meadow

Made In Unreal Engine 4

This level was created to help me understand Unreal Engine 4.


The Boy With A Kite Demo

The Wild

Made In Unity

A simple low-poly-style scene I made in Unity for fun in under one hour. 


Stylized Nature Pack Lite

Ruined Altars

Made In Unity

An atmospheric scene I made in Unity with a large focus on lighting and foliage to challenge myself. 


- Ruined Altars

- Rocks and Boulders Pack

- Troll Enemy

- Weapon Pack

- Flooded Grounds Trees

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